I look forward to connecting with you! I am an IBCLC committed to providing loving, evidence-based care to all families. My work is rooted in the belief that you know your baby and yourself best and that my role is to provide consistent support to allow you to meet your feeding goals and to grow your confidence as a parent. I have specialized training and experience in tethered oral tissues, bottle refusal, therapeutic breast massage and perinatal mental health. I love working with families throughout their feeding journeys from prenatal education all the way through weaning. In addition to my private practice, I am a lactation specialist at SVMC where I facilitate a weekly Baby Cafe in Bennington. I also co-run a human milk depot and dispensary with Sage Willow Midwifery in Manchester. I am in-network with BCBS, Aetna and Cigna and can accept most Anthem and United insurance plans.

Kimberleigh Weiss-Lewit

Kimberleigh provides in-person support in Southern Vermont (Home visits and office visits in Manchester, VT) and Upper Valley (Office visits in Hanover, NH) and virtual visits beyond.